Fee is charged periodically, not monthly.
Fee should be paid only through a crossed demand draft, drawn in favour of 'Gita Niketan Awasiya Vidyalaya' payable at Kurukshetra.
Second and third installment must be deposited between 1-10 August and 1-10 of December respectively, failing which a fine of Rs.10/- shall be charged per day upto a maximum of Rs.100/-. There after the name of the student shall be struck off from the school rolls.
If a student desires to leave the school after the commencement of a term, the amount deposited shall not be refunded in any case. Only the security and the personal balance can be withdrawn. In case of non-payment of dues after the commencement of the term, the school leaving certificate of the candidate shall be withheld, and issued only after the clearance of all the dues.